Analyse and visualise muscle and joint loads during movement with our unique, scientifically based 3D computer model!
We record the athlete's movement either using advanced camera technology (no markers involved) or using IMU-sensors. The training routine is not affected and the athlete's freedom of movement is not restricted.
The interactive display of results enables the movement sequence, muscles, and joint loads to be analysed quickly. A 3D musculoskeletal avatar of the athletes makes the effects of force in the body directly and clearly visible.
Based on the athlete's individual 3D load profile, hidden injury risks can be recognised and potential for improving performance can be identified. Prepare preventive measures to avoid excessive musculoskeletal loads and optimise the movements.
The Computed MyoGraphie (CMG) method developed by us is scientifically sound and validated. We can achieve the same results both in the laboratory and outside the laboratory. It enables dynamic, data-based analysis of the muscle and joint activity, load and strength occurring inside the body.
Our technology is used wherever top sport performance is achieved, for example in football, basketball, baseball, cycling, and track and field, etc.
Unser Dashboard erlaubt die flexible Auswahl aller analysierten Parameter und greift auf eine umfassende Datenbank aller aktueller und historischer Datensätze zurück. So können sowohl Langzeittrackings und –betrachtungen als auch Quervergleiche zwischen Teammitgliedern mit wenigen Klicks durchgeführt werden.
Kontaktieren Sie uns!Find out more now about the use of our technology in your club or association.